In a heated interview on “Aap Ki Adalat,” actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut responded to several allegations about her controversial remarks on Bollywood celebrities like Karan Johar and Ranbir Kapoor. Kangana accused journalist Rajat Sharma of siding with Karan Johar and portraying her negatively. The interview saw Kangana, known for her outspoken views on Bollywood nepotism, being asked if she was the ‘film industry’s gangster’ and why she often made controversial statements about star kids.
Laughing off the questions, Ranaut said, “These allegations against me are entirely false. Sir, you’re defending them.” She then suggested that Sharma had met with Karan Johar before the interview, calling it a conspiracy against her.
The discussion also touched upon her previous spat with singer-actor Diljit Dosanjh. Sharma reminded Ranaut of her derogatory comments about Diljit and other celebrities, prompting Ranaut to defend her language, stating that Diljit had initially insulted her. She expressed disbelief at being presented in a negative light, suggesting a larger plot orchestrated by Karan Johar.
The feud between Ranaut and Diljit dates back to 2020 when Kangana accused an elderly Sikh woman involved in the farmers’ protests of being a protestor-for-hire. Diljit fired back, criticizing Kangana for her disparaging remarks. The exchange escalated with Kangana labeling Diljit as Johar’s “pet,” while Diljit retorted, questioning her behavior and defending the respect of Punjabi women.
The ongoing Kangana-Diljit clash reflects deeper tensions within the industry, where Kangana’s candid remarks continue to stir controversy and debate.
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