The horror-comedy film “Kakuda,” starring Sonakshi Sinha and Riteish Deshmukh, has undergone significant edits by the Censor Board, which has cut numerous profane and obscene dialogues. The board also instructed the filmmakers to modify certain lines and to include a disclaimer clarifying that the film does not promote superstition.
Despite these edits, the film has been released directly on an OTT platform. Alongside Sonakshi and Riteish, the cast includes Saqib Saleem. However, the film has received largely negative reviews. Critics have stated that “Kakuda” fails to do justice to horror and comedy genres.
The film’s screening in Mumbai marked the first public appearance of Sonakshi and her husband Zaheer together at an event since their marriage. Zaheer referred to Sonakshi as “my wife,” causing her to blush.
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